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Saab Global
9Air C4I interface

9Air C4I


Key features

Air campaign planning and tasking
Mission monitoring
State-of-the-art data fusion

9Air C4I* enables flexible, effective operations and complete control of weapons, sensors and communications. 它具有可扩展性和灵活性,可为任务和操作提供控制. 它提供了态势感知和通信,运营商需要做出正确的决定,并迅速有效地采取行动.

*C4I: Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence.

该解决方案是模块化和可扩展的,允许独特的软件连接和互操作性. 它的设计意味着它是快速和负担得起的安装和支持.

It enables straightforward integration of any third-party module, 同样也使任何9Air C4I模块能够与其他供应商的设备集成. This gives you complete freedom of choice, alongside flexible technology, which can be adapted to meet specific needs and requirements.

The 9Air C4I is designed with this trend in mind. 它的HMI通过确保在正确的时间传递正确的信息来支持操作员, combined and clearly presented at each single workstation. 该系统的特点允许操作人员通过减少人工工作量和自动化简单功能来处理多个任务.

9Air C4I系列从全尺寸9Air战术作战指挥与控制系统(9Air TOCCS), via control and reporting system 9Air CRS, to 9Air Compact C2, a very lightweight straightforward Link16 solution.


我们能够将您的所有系统整合到一个支持网络的解决方案中:一个系统的系统环境. The 9Air C4I is the central element in this environment. It is the connecting enabler in the network. With the capability to plan and task all air operations, 它形成了一个中心,允许信息在所有系统和资产之间流动.

Network-enabled solution

Controlling your air space

It has the ability to support planning, 对所有可能的任务和场景进行任务分配和控制. These capabilities provide effective and efficient multi-tasking. 正是其设计的这些元素产生了一个解决方案,其效果大于其各部分的总和.


9Air C4I interface

Did you know...

... that 9Air C4I has been in active operation for more than 25 years?

  • 9Air C4I is equipped with a highly automated decision support.
  • 9AIR C4I is the result of more than 70 years of development.
  • 9Air C4I可以同时被10多个合作站点的60多个运营商使用.
9Air C4I has been in operation 24/7 since 1995.

Contact us

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Henrik Ekerbring
Marketing & Sales

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